What is the Itancia Seal?

The Itancia Seal offers Itancia’s 30-year experience and commitment towards the environment and sustainability to our clients.

Our unique seal certifies that your company brings together the correct efforts to manage its electronics in an environmentally-friendly way.


 Why is it unique?

Since 1991, Itancia has been implementing sustainable infrastructures and methods in order to reduce our impact on the environment. From waste management to no single-use plastic policy, electric and hybrid company car fleet, solar panels, etc. Itancia is at the forefront of the innovation towards greener solutions.

Itancia is also a uniquely committed partner engaged in numerous sustainable projects and initiatives, among which the protection of birds and bees, the upkeeping our green spaces with sheeps and donkeys, and finally the creation of the Itancia Foundation in 2011.

Thanks to all the above, our services generate less waste and have a smaller carbon footprint than our counterparts. As a result the greenhouse gas emission savings that we transfer to our clients with a certification is on average 30% higher.

How can you use it?

 Being environmentally-friendly is not only good for the environment, it is also good for your business. Bank loans, investors, shareholders, clients, partners, etc. Your ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) score and goals are now more important than ever.

At Itancia, we provide destruction and recycling certificates that show that you have responsibly dispose of your old IT equipment. In addition, we calculate and deliver a certificate of the greenhouse gas emission savings made by properly recycling or refurbishing your electronics.

Make your company join the global efforts for a greener future with Itancia.
